A Dissuasion To Great-britain And The Colonies: From The Slave-trade To Africa. Shewing The Injustice Thereof, &c/fr-ca/a-dissuasion-to-great-britain-and-the-colonies-from-the-slave-trade-to-africa.-shewing-the-injustice-thereof-c/500C13E0-8054-4682-A09A-C40D3CB7EAEF.html500C13E0-8054-4682-A09A-C40D3CB7EAEF
A Dissuasion To Great-britain And The Colonies: From The Slave-trade To Africa. Shewing The Injustice Thereof, &c
A dissuasion to Great-Britain and the colonies, from the slave-trade to Africa. Shewing the injustice thereof, &c. Revised and abridged. By James Swan.