From Montreal to Vimy Ridge and Beyond;/fr-ca/from-montreal-to-vimy-ridge-and-beyond%3B/1F706BFD-F39D-47C4-A448-177B933EB017.html1F706BFD-F39D-47C4-A448-177B933EB017
From Montreal To Vimy Ridge And Beyond; The Correspondence Of Lieut. Clifford Almon Wells, B.a., Of The 8th Battalion, Canadians, B. E. F., November, 1915-april, 1917
From Montreal To Vimy Ridge And Beyond; The Correspondence Of Lieut. Clifford Almon Wells, B.a., Of The 8th Battalion, Canadians, B. E. F., November, 1915-april, 1917
From Montreal to Vimy Ridge and Beyond; the Correspondence of Lieut. Clifford Almon Wells, B.A., of the 8th Battalion, Canadians, B. e. f., November, 1915-April, 1917